Tolman's new job would mean that Allston-Brighton -- as well as Belmont, Watertown, the South End, and part of Cambridge -- would probably have a special election in early 2012 to fill his seat. Tolman has told the paper that he would resign his seat if named president of the labor organization.
Tolman's path to its presidency was cleared when his only opponent for the position, lobbyist Tim Sullivan, dropped out of the running.
I will venture to guess that among the names from Allston-Brighton likely to run for the senate seat would likely by state representative Michael Moran, who has been accumulating campaign cash of late concident with his role as head of the legislative redistricting committee. Also, I expect that District 9 City Councilor Mark Ciommo will likely take a pass, because he is running for reelection in November (albeit unopposed).
Outside Allston-Brighton, I can imagine that Rachel Kaprelian of Watertown, who runs the Registry of Motor Vehicles and is a former state representative, might be looking closely at this race.
Any other names out there? Drop suggestions in the comments field below.
Update: David Bernstein at the Phoenix's Talking Politics blog has more names for consideration.