Thursday, June 07, 2007

A-B TAB Op-Ed: "Neighbors ‘frustrated,’ ‘exasperated’ over lack of BC response"

The Allston-Brighton TAB published an op-ed, written by me, in their current edition: "Neighbors ‘frustrated,’ ‘exasperated’ over lack of BC response."

The piece tries to present the audience mood that I observed at the May 15, 2007 meeting of the Boston College Task Force: “distressed,” “energized,” “frustrated and determined,” “extremely concerned,” “exasperated,” and concerned to the point of “panic.”

What caused these emotions? The general feeling that "BC has been unresponsive to community input" in their master planning process to date.

I sincerely appreciate the TAB's editorial decision to run the piece, since the audience mood described in my piece contrasts significantly from how the TAB reported the same event.

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