Sunday, August 12, 2007

MBTA Head Grabauskas Avoids Riding T Because It Is Not Convenient

OK, OK, OK... this is old news. I have read many people disparage MBTA head Daniel Grabauskas for not riding the T because he finds it inconvenient. So many, that I thought it important to dig out where this little nugget came from. Here it is from the Boston Globe 1/22/06:
But winning over the car commuter has always been the challenge. Even Grabauskas, the MBTA's general manager who lives in Ipswich, a town served by commuter rail, usually drives to work. "Where I live in town is right off the highway," he says, "and my schedule is erratic enough that it tends not to be convenient for me."
I think we should pay him minimum wage and give him a performance bonus (to his current salary) if he gets a guy named Grabauskas from Ipswich to commute daily on the T. Making this guy head of the MBTA is kind-of like naming William Bennett to head the U.S. Department of Education, or James Watt to head the Department of the Interior, or... [complete this listing yourself]

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