Thursday, September 20, 2007

BC to Remove Dead and Diseased Trees on Former Seminary Land Beginning 9/24

At the Boston College Task Force meeting on Tuesday night, 9/18, Jeanne Levesque, Director of Governmental Relations at Boston College, described the problems with diseased and dead trees on the Brighton Campus (the former Seminary land).

Seventeen trees are planned to be removed beginning next week.

Most of the trees are red pine trees along the north side of Commonwealth Avenue which are suffering from Diplodia Canker infections. A few other trees are at various other locations within the property: one along the Tribunal building entrance road, two along the spine road,
one at the guardrail, and one Hemlock suffering from wooly adelgid near the Edison School. There are another 5-7 trees that are being monitored but may eventually have to be removed, too.

A certified arborist inspected the trees on the property, and labelled those trees in need of removal by a pink ribbon. (Blue ribbons on trees interior to the property are not part of the dead tree identification project -- they are from a student project during the summer.)

You can see a few such trees in a photo from a previous post. I have no expertise in the matter, but even to my untrained eye it's clear pretty clear that these red pine trees have to be removed.

Levesque also confirmed that some tree removal had occurred in mid-summer along the border with the Edison School parking lot. She said that many of those trees had been removed at the request of Edison School officials, but all were dying and would have required removal soon in any case.

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