Thursday, November 01, 2007

Arroyo Stopping Traffic in Brighton Center

Nearly two weeks ago, Councilor Felix Arroyo was in Brighton Center for a "visibility": holding signs up on the sidewalk during rush hour to raise awareness of his re-election campaign for Boston City Councilor-At-Large. Most of the candidates do this on occasion at the corner of Washington Street and Market Street / Chestnut Hill Avenue.

Sure, the couple of guys Councilor Arroyo had along with him were standing on the sidewalk. But not Arroyo...

No, he was in the middle of the street, walking along the double yellow lines handing out campaign literature to drivers through their driver-side window, maybe even a few kisses on the cheek. It was apparently quite a scene, a little bit of fun partying for Friday morning commuters. Smiles all around. This guy has boundless energy, and knows no boundaries. The police at D-14 station two blocks away didn't even think to interrupt Arroyo's one-man, populist machine.

By the time I got a camera over there, though, Councilor Arroyo was nearly -- but not quite -- back on the sidewalk about to pack it in for the morning and head back to City Hall.

In a city where politicians try to be calm, cool, and collected, Councilor Arroyo comes across as someone who seems to break the rules -- and the traffic laws.

Mark Ciommo's Sugary Visibility

During Wednesday's Brighton Business Trick-of-Treat, Mark Ciommo, candidate for Allston-Brighton District 9 City Councilor, was running his own visibility in the heart of Brighton Center.

Ciommo and his campaigners were not just holding up signs, but also giving out candy to the young, costumed revelers. Cute move. No, I did not see him trying to register voters among the under-18 crowd.

Ciommo was himself disguised as a pirate superman Dumbledore teenage mutant ninja turtle politician. Sorry, no photos.

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