The article actually notes which District City Councilors face competition for re-election, although it fails to name any challengers. Shame on you, Globe!
The article manages to name both finalists for the Allston-Brighton Distict 9 seat, Mark Ciommo and Greg Glennon, although the Globe newsdesk continues in their dogged insistence of not once giving either candidates' position on any issues. The Globe once previously mentioned District 9 race on September 26th, the day after the preliminary municipal election.
The Globe also previously devoted one article to the Councilor-At-Large race in their Sunday City Weekly section, although that article consisted mostly of a discussion of bullet-voting -- not the issues -- and included a print-only set of contact information for the candidates.
Their latest article continues that tradition of print-only content: the wonderful table containing the responses of all nine candidates for Councilor-At-Large to three different questions, is not included in the online version of the article. Sigh. They were so close -- and yet so far -- from delivering information to the online masses!
Since the Globe can't figure out how to deliver this (sidebar) content on their website, I've scanned and provided the thing below.

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