The walls of the building, particularly the southern one, were in danger of further collapse, so exterior scaffolding was installed outside the eastern wall; the southern perimeter was also fenced off. The theory was that, if the southern wall collapsed inwards, the eastern wall could potentially buckle outwards towards the sidewalk on Market Street.
I've seen the southern wall buckle more and more over the last few weeks; it has now partially collapsed, exposing some of the insulation. While I'm not an engineer, it nonetheless appears as though there is little danger of the eastern wall falling outwards: the scaffolding appears to be working as intended.
By not bringing in a wrecking crew to demolish the building, the owners have probably saved five minutes of demolition charges by letting gravity (and additional snowfall) take its toll on the building. I think it's high time for them to move on and clean up this mess.
I say: "Mr. Rite Aid, tear down this wall!"

Tired of seeing this eye-sore left in my neighborhood, I called Rite-Aid's PR department to ask why there had been no effort to demolish the building.
The regional manager informed me that Rite-Aid had pulled out out of the property, and that the demolition of the building was actually the responsibility of the landlord.
So, if you're tired of seeing half a building and tired of having scaffolding extending out into the street give him a call.
His contact info, as provided by Rite-Aid:
Dan Perlmann
o: 781-736-2428
c: 781-646-5418
So, give him a call. Ask why he won't fix his probelm in our neighborhood. I'm sure he'll have a good answer for anyone who calls...
Thanks for the contact info. - its good. I called and spoke to Dan Perlmann directly.
I e-mailed Mark Ciommo regarding the Rite Aid earlier this evening. He informs me that the owner is getting a permit to demolish the building and that ISD is aware of the problem.
Rich Terrass
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