Sunday, February 17, 2008

Other Coverage of BC Task Force Letter to BRA

In a previous post, I summarized key points raised in the letter written by members of the BC Task Force to the Boston Redevelopment Authority as part of the public comment period following Boston College's filing of their Institutional Master Plan Notification Form on December 5, 2007.

The Boston Globe's City Weekly ran an article on the letter in today's edition ("Task Force Seeking Limits on BC Project") and the Allston-Brighton TAB also ran a news story about it in Friday's edition ("Community Task Force Urges Significant Changes to BC Plans").

More significantly, the Allston-Brighton TAB's editorial page generally supported the changes suggested by the task force:
While some of the changes the community urges are dramatic, we urge both the BRA and BC to seriously consider them. As the task force letter notes, the college’s master plan is unprecedented because “it dramatically and eternally impacts and area of land, the former seminary grounds, that has long been an oasis in our community.” We agree with the task force that, because of this, the BRA needs to hold the college [to] “an unprecedented level of scrutiny.”

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