Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Just In Case You Were Wondering: No Campaign Finance Filings By Brighton Centered

The AP/Boston Globe reports that the DailyKos website doesn't have to abide by federal campaign finance regulations because it qualifies under the media exemption:
The FEC said the website, operated by blogger Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, cannot be regulated as a political committee and can freely post blog entries that support candidates.

"While the complaint asserts that DailyKos advocates for the election of Democrats for federal office, the commission has repeatedly stated that an entity that would otherwise qualify for the media exemption does not lose its eligibility because it features news or commentary lacking objectivity or expressly advocates in its editorial the election or defeat of a federal candidate," the FEC said.
While I only rarely stray into national political matters here, it's nice to know there would be a media exemption from those campaign finance laws awaiting me...

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