Thursday, May 24, 2007

Globe and Herald Editorials on Possible Archdiocese Office Move to Braintree

The Boston Globe and the Boston Herald have both published editorials today which offer support for the Archdiocese's possible (or probable) move of it administrative offices from the Brighton Chancery to Braintree. Mayor Menino is unhappy with the idea of a move, but the Herald says that the Mayor "picked the wrong fight here."

The Globe's piece put the issue into a wider context of the institutional expansion that Boston College is pursuing onto the former Archdiocese property now being referred to as BC's Brighton Campus. They note that land has "buffered the Brighton neighborhood from the growth of Boston College." Secretary of State Bill Galvin, a Lake Street resident, expresses neighborhood sentiment about BC's expansion plans: "There is a lot of concern -- use and density." The Globe editorial concludes that Mayor Menino "needs to balance the need for college expansion with the neighbors' concerns."

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