Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Tim Schofield Doorbells Brighton Centered

In an apparent coincidence to Rosie Hanlon's visit a few hours earlier, Tim Schofield, candidate for the open Allston-Brighton District City Council seat, rang the doorbell at the Central Organizing Committee of Brighton Centered's Centralized Information Center.

I learned a few things about him and his positions on the issues:
  • If elected, he would consider forming a "family advisory group" as a way to improve family life in A-B, attract families to the area, and try to remove a sense of isolation some families feel when moving to one of our neighborhoods.
  • He wants to get Harvard, Boston College, and Boston University planners to sit down at one table (presumably with the community and elected officials) to deal with overall expansion issues in A-B and the impact on the community of that expansion.
  • He views his experience in mediation to be an important personal attribute towards furthering these goals.
  • He supports the Mayor's proposals to close the telecommunications tax loophole, adding a 1% meals surtax (although he sounded open to input on this one).
  • He wants to control rising residential property taxes, as well as make a more formalized process for institutional PILOT payments. He appears to believe that the commercial sector should shoulder a larger portion of the overall tax burden.
  • If elected, he views hiring of staff as crucial to achieving his goals, particularly since he expects a large fraction of the district councilor's work to be in constsituent services.
  • He opposes Boston College's proposal to site undergraduate dorms on their Brighton Campus (i.e., former seminary property).

He has a website.

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